1.Homo Sapien- Homo Sapien also known as human lived 200,000 years ago. They first originated from Africa. They spoke a language. Their brains where highly developed.
2. Cro-Magnon- Cro-Magnons lived from about 45,000 to 10,000 years ago. They lived in Europe. The first skeleton was found in a cave.
3.Homo Habilis- Homo Habilis lived from 2.2 million years ago to 1.6 million years ago. Mary and Louis Leaky found first homo Habilis fossils in Africa.
4. Homo Erectus- Homo Erectus lived 1.8 million to 500 thousand years ago. They where the first hominids to leave Africa they moved into Europe and parts of Asia. They where the first hominids capable of complex activities.
5. Lucy- Lucy is a 3 million year old female hominid skeleton found by Mary Leakey and her team of scientists in Africa.
6. Neanderthal- Neanderthals appeared 350000 to 600000 years ago in Europe. They lived in Europe and western Asia. They had big foreheads and noses.
7. Humans are diffrent from animals because they walk on two legs and animals walk on four. Animals do not walk up right like humans do.We wear clothes unlike animals they have fir to keep them warm.
1 comment:
Little thought here but this is the minimum. C-
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