Wednesday, September 17, 2008

assignment 1


2. How humans lived in Africa a long time ago.

3.Artifacts- artifacts are remains such as jewelry, tools and other man made objects.
Culture- peoples unique way of life.
Technology- Things used and invented to meet needs

4. Scientists research our prehistory to find out about our ancestors and how they affect our life now.

5. Lucy is a 3 million year old female hominid skeleton found by Mary Leakey and her team of scientists in Africa.

6. Mary leaky is a history maker because she found the first humanoid. She discovered many things about our ancestors.

7. They stood up right so they could move faster. They could also spot predators and carry food for their children. They had opossable thumbs.

8. During the first stone age the first stone tools were made. During the new stone age they learned how to polish stone make pottery herd animals and plant crops. The first stone age was longer.

9. Homo Habilis was probably called the handy man because they were the first homo's to make tools

10. Homo erectus had tools made of stone and stick. We now in more modern times have tools made of metal and plastic that are more durable than what the used back then. They had spears and other non metal weapons. We have guns and lasers.

11. People think that neanderthals had religious beliefs because they held a funeral for one of their kind in a cave and covered his body with flowers.

12. They had strategy to hunt their prey and study the habitat of their prey. They also had a language to help them communicate that made survival easier

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